RGB In the RGB space, the pixel color is stored in the form of three values corresponding to the three components R, …
1 bit is the smallest information unit in computer science. It takes one of two values – zero or one. A sequence …
Today, a very practical advice on how to quickly start the task manager in Windows 10. The task manager in Windows allows …
What does the abbreviation USB mean, the most common connector? USB ports can be found in computers, laptops, chargers, televisions and even …
A screenshot, i.e. the so-called Printscreen, allows you to take a “photo” of our screen, which we can then save as a …
Below is a video showing the speed of Adobe Photoshop version 2021 on a 13-inch Apple MacBook Pro version 2020 with an …
There are three basic colors whose blends create different colors. The basic colors are: red, blue and yellow. Violet is obtained by …
Changing the case of the selected text is possible in MS Office – Word and Powerpoint. To do this, use the key …